زيت الأرجان المغذي للشعر

نظرة عامة: 

·       يصلح ، يغذّي ويضيف القوة للشعر الجاف والتالف.

·       يحتوي على مضادات طبيعية للأكسدة التي تحمي الشعر من التصفيف الحراري والمؤثرات الضارة.

·       يعيد تألق وحيوية الشعر عن طريق منحه الرطوبة الدائمة كما يزيل بشكل فعّال تجعّد ، تقصّف وتكسّرالشعر.

·       لشعر لامع ، ناعم وصحّي المظهر .

·       التركيبة اللطيفة لكورّيكشن زيت الأرجان المغذّي للشعر تناسب الرجال والنساء وكافة أنواع الشعر.


Product Ingredient: 

Argania Spinosa Kernel Oil (Argan Oil), Tocopherol, Parfum.

Product How to use: 

التركيبة اللطيفة لكورّيكشن زيت الأرجان المغذّي للشعر تناسب الرجال والنساء وكافة أنواع الشعر.

ضعي كمية قليلة على راحة يدك، يتم توزيع الزيت بشكل جيد مع الأصابع ويفرك بلطف على الشعرالجاف أوالرطب . يستخدم يومياً. لا يتم غسله بعد الإستعمال.


Product Studies: 

Argan Oil also known as Moroccan oil, is made from the kernels of the argan tree fruit that grows almost exclusively in Morocco.


1-   First use: Before using the blow dryer or a styling iron on your hair, use Argan Oil as a safeguard to protect your hair from heat styling products.

2-   Second Use: Instead of using those high chemical hair styling products, use natural Argan oil to style your hair every day. Repetitive usage of chemicals on hair will damage hair shafts and the keratin protein naturally found in human hair.        

As well as offering long-term improvements in softness and strength, it gives hair an immediate gloss to it, and is a great way to tame frizzy hair into submission.

3-   After taking the shower, you can use a few drops of Argan Oil on your hair as a leave-in conditioner. Use it when your hair is still wet for the best results.

Its hydrating and moisturizing properties will work wonderfully on your hair. It makes an ideal conditioning agent since it makes hair soft and sleek and adds extra shine. Make sure to massage into the scalp and tips to promote healthy scalp, encourage hair growth and to treat split ends.

4-   If your hair is dry and lifeless, then use Argan Oil to massage your scalp.

Argan Oil has positive results in making damaged hair soft, shiny and hydrated.

As a scalp treatment for dry skin. Using Argan Oil on your scalp will nourish you hair and reduce dry scalp. You can leave the oil on your hair a few hours before shampoo.

“You can also leave it overnight if you have dandruff or dry scalp. Do this treatment twice per week to get rid of dandruff.”

“Using a larger quantity of Argan Oil as a hair mask means that as many of the nutrients as possible will be absorbed. This is a great treatment to use the night before a special event when you want your hair to be extra smooth, sleek and voluminous.”